Study No X

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The title

Often we can get a sense of the poem from the title. Consider what study means, it is to look closely at something and try to understand it and comment upon it. The poet is trying to understand something.

The X is the something he is studying. X could mean many things, for example, mystery, female chromosome, strong material, things that are wrong, or kisses even a cross, where Jesus was crucified. Is this what is happening?

The Content

What is the poem about. It seems to he about the mother. son relationship and how their relationship has ruined him. His mother was too open with him, she revealed too much. She told him all about the moment of his conception. He thinks this was wrong. She told him what to believe and he couldn't cope with that.

He thinks his mum is a catastrophe on the mirror of this earth. There are many images about life and death, perhaps it is something to do with his mother giving birth to him and making his emotions die.

He thinks there is a lack of love coming from his mum and in the world generally.

The Shape

This is an example of a CONCRETE POEM. The shape has meaning and contributes to the theme. It has been said the poem looks like the shape of a mushroom cloud. Why? Or a face, why?
The shape of the mushroom cloud could represent the cloud that was produced by the atomic bomb, in Hiroshima. Or, the poem could be in the shape of a face, maybe of the mother or the son.

The Form

This particular poem does not have a regular verse structure. The form is very confusing, as it is all over the place. The form of the poem, manifests the confusion of the son. He is confused, because he does not understand why his mother is so open with him about when he was conceived. The poet has structured the poem in this way to show the audience, just how confused the son really is.
Study No. X, is a poem that does not follow the standard rules of grammar, as capital letters and full stops are not used, and brackets are not used properly.
The poem is in an enjambment form., there are no full stops to complete a line. The last line shows the finality of the poem, 'flesh & dust'. This is an example of an oxymoron, as the flesh may symbolise life, and the dust may symbolise death.