MACBETH Assignment: Macbeth changes during the course of the play, what evidence is there for this and what causes it ? Macbeth is a play written in 1605 by William Shakespeare. This was a time when witchcraft was very much believed in and the Jacobean order was followed. The play is set in Scotland, when the country was at war with Norway. The whole story of Macbeth is a tragedy. The qualities of tragedy refer to the main protagonist, which is Macbeth. Macbeth is a very respected person at the beginning of the play, and has many good qualities to his character. His only flaw is that he is very ambitious, and his one ambition is to become the King of Scotland. As a result of this, Macbeth suffers a downfall and a loss of respect. At the same time, innocent people suffer in the process, and its only until Macbeth tries to redeem himself, that the audience feel pity for him. The Jacobean order was extremely important at this period, although Macbeth goes against it. "The Jacobeans believed society was in a certain order. At the top of this hierarchy was God. God ruled all men and nature. Below him came the King, who was Gods messenger. If the King was replaced illegitimately, i.e. the murder of the King, as in Macbeth, then the balance was upset, as was nature." Therefore Macbeth upset God and nature by killing King Duncan. Witchcraft was also something that was believed in. There are three witches in Macbeth, who all play an important role. They are the first characters to appear in the play, which gives the story a supernatural feel. They predict events that actually happen too. First witch - "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis !" Second witch - "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor !" Third witch - "All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King here after !" ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 46 - 50 ) Macbeth seeks more knowledge after his first meeting with the witches, because he is inquisitive, although he doesnt know if he should believe them or not.Macbeth - "Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more." ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 70 )Its only until the predictions come true that he thinks twice. The witches turn out to be one of the three evil influences on Macbeth, although he isnt evil at the beginning of the play. Macbeth appears to be caring: Letter to Lady Macbeth from Macbeth - This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee. Lay it to thy heart, and fare well ....." ( Act 1, Sc. 5, line 9 - 12 )respected : The Captain - "For brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name ......." ( Act 1, Sc. 2, line 16 )and curious : Macbeth - "By Sinels death I know I am Thane of Glamis, But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives." ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 71 - 72 )"Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more......." ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 70 )Although he tends to start believing in witchcraft, and undertakes an interest in their predictions. Macbeth - "And Thane of Cawdor too ; went it not so ?" ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 88 )Macbeth also seems too nice to kill at the start of the story, which is good because it shows his loyalty, as Lady Macbeth expresses. Lady Macbeth - "It is too full o th milk of human kindness." ( Act 1, Sc. 5, line 15 ) Macbeth is disappointed because the King has been praising him, but he makes Malcolm the Prince of Cumberland and not Macbeth. Therefore Lady Macbeth feels that he will not catch the kingship "the easiest way." This also shows that Lady Macbeth is one of his influences. As the play progresses, we see the changes in Macbeths character. As I have already said, Macbeth is very respected and loyal, so when it is brought to him that he should kill King Duncan from Lady Macbeth, he is extremely reluctant. Macbeth - "We will proceed no further in this business........Not cast aside so soon." Macbeth begins to realise, with the persuasion from conniving Lady Macbeth, that he isnt going to be the next in line to the throne, and killing King Duncan is the only way, even though he dislikes the idea. By calling Macbeth a coward, the influence of Lady Macbeth, and the pressure she puts upon him, makes him think. Lady Macbeth - "And live a coward in thine own esteem....." ( Act 1, Sc. 7, line 43 ) Macbeth reluctantly decides to proceed with the murder of the King. Macbeth - "I am settled, and bend up Each Corporal agent to this terrible feat. Away, and mock the time with fairest show : False face must hide what the false heart doth know." ( Act 1, Sc. 7, line 79 - 82 ) Leading up to the first steps of committing the murder of the King, he begins to hallucinate, which could possibly be linked to guilt, being drunk, or it could even be the witches act. Macbeth - "Is this a dagger which I see before me, .......I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight ?" ( Act 2, Sc. 1, line 33 - 37 ) Macbeth murders the King, and after hes done it, hes confused, scared and in total shock and disbelief of what he has done. Macbeth - "Methought I heard a voice cry Sleep no more !" Macbeth does murder sleep, the innocent sleep......." ( Act 2, Sc. 2, line 36 - 37 ) This is also a link to the Jacobean order, through upsetting sleep, and killing the King. Lady Macbeth is much stronger and tells him to pull himself together, and once again calls him a coward. Macbeth regrets what he has done, and feels an overflow of guilt. Macbeth - "To know my deed, twere best not know myself." ( Act 2, Sc. 2, line 73 ) After the King is found, Macbeth denies all knowledge of it, and pinpoints the blame to the Kings guards and he lies to convince everybody. Macbeth begins to organise himself because everything is going to plan, or Lady Macbeths plan. He is still scared though, whereas Lady Macbeth is stronger. The Kings two sons flee to England and Ireland because they feel the blame of their fathers death would be put upon them. Therefore the Kings crown can only go to Macbeth. Macbeth continues lying and bending the truth, until he remembers the meeting he first had with the three witches. He recalls them saying that Banquo, Macbeths best friend, would be the father of many Kings. Third witch - "Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none. So all hail Macbeth and Banquo !" ( Act 1, Sc. 3, line 67 - 68 ) Macbeth then realises that Banquo and his son, Fleance, could be an obstacle in his way. But how does he remove this obstacle ? The only answer is to kill them both, even though Banquo is his best friend. This shows that he is betraying his friend, and his ambition is becoming greater, and getting the better of him. Macbeth is conniving, like Lady Macbeth, in the way he tries to find out where Banquo is going, in order to plan his murder. Macbeth seems to be slipping further away from good, and moving closer to damnation. Macbeth - "Ride you this afternoon ?" ( Act 3, Sc. 3, line 19 ) "Ist far you ride ?" ( Act 3, Sc. 1, line 24 ) "Goes Fleance with you ?" ( Act 3, Sc. 1, line 36 ) This is where he becomes more like Lady Macbeth used to be. He has become more dominant and in control, and stronger than he was. The audience can also see that hes becoming more organised. He doesnt tell Lady Macbeth about his plans to murder Banquo and Fleance, he wants to do it himself without telling anyone, showing his independence. Although this time, Macbeth doesnt commit the murders himself, instead he gets three murderers to do it. Unfortunately for Macbeth, the murder didnt all go to plan. The three murderers met up with Banquo and Fleance, killed Banquo, but Fleance escapes. Banquo - "O treachery ! Fly good Fleance, fly, fly, fly ! Thou mayst revenge. O slave !" ( Act 3, Sc. 4, line 21 - 22 ) Macbeth doesnt know about the news until the murderers go to the banquet at Macbeths castle, where theyre celebrating Macbeth becoming King. The three murderers tell Macbeth what has happened, and he isnt very pleased. Murderer - "Most royal sir, Fleance is scaped." Macbeth - "Then comes my fit again. I had else been perfect .............But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in To saucy doubts and fears." This shows how evil he has become and how far he is prepared to go to keep the crown. It also shows that he is scared because Fleance has escaped. After this, he begins to hallucinate again because he feels guilty that he arranged to have his best friend murdered. Everybody else then begins to notice the change in his character. He becomes weak again, and Lady Macbeth is annoyed with him because she wants him to be stronger. Macbeth continues on a downward spiral. He has become more conniving, but he is still scared and confused. Macbeth decides to go and visit the three witches because he wants to know what happens next. Macbeth - "And betimes I will, to the Weird Sister. More shall they speak ; for now I am bent to know." ( Act 3, Sc. 4, line 133 - 134 ) He meets the three witches again at the beginning of act four, but theres more bad news for him. First Apparition - "Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff ; Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough." ( Act 4, Sc. 1, line 71 - 73 ) The witches advise Macbeth to stay away from Macduff, and Macbeth takes the advice. However, out of his wicked, evil, and malicious mind, he decides to provoke Macduff by killing all of his family. This act is very unnecessary, but Macbeth sees Macduff as another obstacle in his way because of the witches predictions, and because Macbeths character has changed so much, his only way of dealing with it is to kill. Macbeth again orders the murderers to do the deed. Macbeth - "The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to the edge o th sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line." ( Act 4, Sc. 1, line 150 - 153 ) Theres also a change in Macbeths language through the play. Because his character has changed, the words and language he uses changes to fit in with what hes thinking, and his actions. His language becomes more brutal, shocking and powerful, just like Lady Macbeth was. He uses animal imagery to express his feelings, maybe anger or to be spiteful. Macbeth - "There the grown serpent lies ; the worm thats fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed......" ( Act 3, Sc. 4, line 29 - 30 ) "Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear, The armed rhinoceros, or the Hyrcan tiger ......" ( Act 3, Sc. 4, line 100 - 101 ) He begins to use rhetoric language to fit in with his tough, strong image. Macbeth - "As hounds, and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, Shoughs, water-rugs, and demi-wolves are clept All by the name of dog." ( Act 5, Sc. 3, line 11 - 12 ) Macbeth continues on his downfall, until the story ends with Macduff killing Macbeth. However, the story didnt have to be like this, and Macbeth certainly wouldnt have changed like he did if it wasnt for his three influences - Lady Macbeth, the three witches and his ambition. Macbeth had a very big ambition, but Lady Macbeth was extremely pushy, and she would call him a coward if he didnt agree with her. Macbeth would then give in, and do what she wanted, which pushed him into his downfall. Furthermore, he believes in witchcraft and takes the witches advice. The witches dont tell Macbeth to kill though, thats through Lady Macbeth and his own wicked mind that he decides on his deeds. For my conclusion, Im going to return back to the original question. Macbeth does change through the play, as I have proven. He changes due to his three main influences. These three influences fit in together to lead up to Macbeths murder. Macbeths ambition was to be the King of Scotland. The witches predicted that he would achieve this. Lady Macbeth then persuades him to kill King Duncan, which starts his downfall. He becomes more like Lady Macbeth, by being wicked and spiteful, so that he can keep the crown that he always wanted. This however, results in more murders planned by Macbeth, until someone retaliates, and kills him. This concludes that Macbeth deserved to be killed, for all his wrong doings, and his three influences which he let get the better of him. |